
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Semplica Girl Diaries, George Saunders

The Semplica Girl Diaries, George Saunders  Rating 8.5/10 I thought this story showes the theme of materialism well, but it also has the theme of loss of morality. Especially, the narrator, Lily's father is most symbolic character who represent materialism. Instead of placing value to live in the moment with his family, he place value on material object and allows his happiness to be determined by these possesion. Also, by not revealing narrator's name, it tells us this story is not a specific person's or group's event, but it's widespread sense in capitalism society. On the other hand, Semplica Girl made me think of moral issues caused by materialism. In the story, Semplica Girls are used as garden ornament. But no one realize that this is morally wrong (only Eva notice it). It shows how morally obtuse people can be in a materialistic society. It was a story that I sympathized with because it revealed the problems emerging in modern society as the theme, so I rated...